Japan based Nippon TV has said that it will launch on-line pay-per-view programmes later this year. The service, to be known as The Second Nippon Television Network, will offer a range of programs already shown on Nippon's cable TV network, for download over the Internet.Analysts see this as a sign that Web-based TV programmes are just round the corner, building on the long term success of music downloads. At the same time, the expected rise of video commercials on the Internet might make on-line broadcasts more appealing than ever to content owners.
The first programmes that are expected to be aired on-line are replays of sporting events that the audience may not have been able to catch on-line. Prices are expected to range from USD1 to USD 10 per show. At the same time, the expected rise of video commercials on the Internet might make on-line broadcasts more appealing than ever to content owners.
Some of the major hurdles expected include reluctance by TV network owners to cannibalize their already shrinking and fractured audiences. Secondly, Nippon has said that it will only make available the shows that all parties - including actors, producers and distributors have agreed to air on-line - which as you can imagine could take quite a while!